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Total Race
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...70 ...80 ...90 ...450 ...454
#71sam man6:57,86 / 14 LP
#72ferg12:04,78 / 14 LP
#73Ozzy Oslund32:54,72 / 14 LP
#74kaoz37:27,06 / 14 LP
#75 Scopien53:09,20 / 14 LP
#76vperry9:20,54 / 14 LP
#77 Henoch47:01,04 / 13 LP
#78 Alec b yo54:14,40 / 13 LP
#79 rtate54:51,06 / 13 LP
#80 jxjx2:57,18 / 13 LP
420 comments on 42 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 41 42
Scoring is based on the total time needed to complete all levels.
Andrew A
Kamirashi - all of 0.14 seconds from taking 3rd spot from PMD

Wonder how many weeks that will take him?
2 Apr 2015, 0:30
Zomg!! Working on improving cave 2 at the moment, so it might be 5 minutes or 5 weeks
2 Apr 2015, 11:25
Andrew A
Congratulations on 3rd Kamirashi!

Only 6 odd seconds behind Laser now...
3 Apr 2015, 9:04
Been some time since I last played this, burned myself out on cave dweller xD finally caught those few seconds for silver, brian is up next >
18 Jun 2015, 14:27
It's good to have you back! I was worried that you'd gotten lost in the cave . Watching our best Cave Dweller runs H2H shows that there are improvements to be made, but making those improvements is easier said than done.

It's weird... a part of me wanted you to take gold, which would force me to improve it again. Of course, another part of me is fine leaving it alone.
19 Jun 2015, 15:08
That's the annoying part about it! I can get really far ahead, but getting a good run AND nailing the finish is more than my patience can take. It really feels deceptively easy Just playing random levels that I like atm, maybe I'll stumble upon another of your golds soon (^_^)y
20 Jun 2015, 0:18
Andrew A
Just noticed Sz's time on total race :-


Not his real time, obviously, so I think it must be his birthday.

Which means he will be 30 on the 30th of this month (if I'm right)!

Perhaps if we throw a big party in his honor he might drop by...
9 Nov 2018, 22:31
Andrew A
Actually - he's the last one on 16 level packs and most of his times are really slow (deliberately, I think), so it may be his real time after all.

I would like to think it's an Easter Egg, but he would have been very young when he put this game together - thinking about it now.

Ahh well..
9 Nov 2018, 22:39
Count me in! My alarm is set for November 30th. I'll be in the chat room.

Come back, Sz. You are loved very much.
10 Nov 2018, 6:25
Andrew A
Less than 40 seconds to go till....... what?
4 Mar 2020, 17:43
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