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Total Race
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...450 ...454
#1 Andrew A0:29,38 / 16 LP
#2 Kamirashi2:11,62 / 16 LP
#3 BikerBrian2:27,36 / 16 LP
#4 Laser6:33,86 / 16 LP
#5 PMD6:40,40 / 16 LP
#6 casey13:18,02 / 16 LP
#7 SPiDeR15:29,48 / 16 LP
#8 Alpha16:08,50 / 16 LP
#9 Xuzz16:40,86 / 16 LP
#10 Mr.pickle.19:33,54 / 16 LP
420 comments on 42 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 9 10 11 ... 41 42 >>>>
Scoring is based on the total time needed to complete all levels.
Second to finish the new levels, which means I get the silver medal in Total Race for a few minutes (or possibly hours)
how do u get into "total race"?
You have to finish your standard level first pickle boy.

Finish your pipe universe then you got your total race point. Also you have to do it consecutively, after the standard pack do with the siulun's level then the master KO... etc.
gosh I may never get in then cloud hopping and pipes are soo hard!
p.s thats MR.pickle. NOT "pickle boy"!!
hey preserved cucummber dont get mad at henoch!! he just told you what you need to do and you get pissed at him. you are obviously 12 or uder and henoch is at least 30 or older and he has no need to call you Mr. got it pickle?
everyone has to call me pickle! and i hapen to be 15 I like mr.pickle NOT pickle, I am playing bike you guys weather you like me or not need to get used to me cause im not planing on quiting anytime soon
sorry I siad that like that I mean no ofence to any players
just letting you know I have nothing against any of you however plenty of you HATE me manely because I thought you guys knew how to read so dident bother to type perfectly,that made a bad first impreshon but....
hey pickle you are right in that dont like you for three reasons that you can fix.

1. stop getting pissed off wen someone calls you pickle cause everyone goes by a nickname if its a long name.(kris,mike,etc.)

2. spell words correctly. no one cares about an occasional misspell but itsridiculous with you.


p.s. im 16 so with my shoe size im 29and a half and only five and a half feet tall
there you go agin! I feel like im in a reallity show or something,this is rediculas "heres how peple will like you more"Im going to act like me if I want to be calleed MR then live with it golly,....
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