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#1 Andrew A0:29,38 / 16 LP
#2 Kamirashi2:11,62 / 16 LP
#3 BikerBrian2:27,36 / 16 LP
#4 Laser6:33,86 / 16 LP
#5 PMD6:40,40 / 16 LP
#6 casey13:18,02 / 16 LP
#7 SPiDeR15:29,48 / 16 LP
#8 Alpha16:08,50 / 16 LP
#9 Xuzz16:40,86 / 16 LP
#10 Mr.pickle.19:33,54 / 16 LP
420 comments on 42 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 29 30 31 ... 41 42 >>>>
Scoring is based on the total time needed to complete all levels.
mike flips
e) Since you are so happy, ill let you keep it for a few days
It's good to see fellow Countrymen going after eachother like that.

Nice - I was thinking about doing that.
Congrats Laser - weird to see a different name in that No1 spot!
now beat him in ttc(your quickly gaining actully..)
mike flips
Have you had your fun laser? (I beat Save the Princess a few days ago )
Carl China
I got 4 levelpacks!
You better hustle, I'm almost at 12
Carl China
Ok Shaun, How old are you?
Great work shaunnortho.
Only 12 BikeForce levels left and you'll be 1st iPhone-er to beat the lot.
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©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING