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Total Race
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...450 ...454
#1 Andrew A0:29,38 / 16 LP
#2 Kamirashi2:11,62 / 16 LP
#3 BikerBrian2:27,36 / 16 LP
#4 Laser6:33,86 / 16 LP
#5 PMD6:40,40 / 16 LP
#6 casey13:18,02 / 16 LP
#7 SPiDeR15:29,48 / 16 LP
#8 Alpha16:08,50 / 16 LP
#9 Xuzz16:40,86 / 16 LP
#10 Mr.pickle.19:33,54 / 16 LP
420 comments on 42 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 24 25 26 ... 41 42 >>>>
Scoring is based on the total time needed to complete all levels.
Top 10 Total Race
For some reason, I've beat two levelpacks (SiuLuns' and Master Ko's), and im not in the total race!?
You didn't finish Standard- you can't skip around to be in total race.
Xuzz, you have to complete the level packs in order. So until you finish Touch Bricks and Pipe Universe on Standard, you won't even get a start. Once you do those two, it will take you to 3 levels complete since you have the next two.

You will then be able to work on OrR's Levels to get to 4.

Good luck.
Xuzz, you have to complete them in order. You won't be in TR until you beat all levels in standard (touch bricks and pipe universe). Once you beat standard though, it will report all 3 packs for you.
PMD, I guess great minds think alike... You just type faster .

You have to complete them in order... you can't skip arou

haha! just kidding.

Top 9 in Total Race
Nice BikerBrian. Now you only have 4 minutes and 12 seconds to make up to get to 8th.

Thanks PMD. Don't remind me...

More importantly, I'm over 10 minutes ahead of Pickle . Of course, he'll close the gap when he gets 50.xx on CMR.
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