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Player's Profile

Last submission:

Best rank ever: #1616
(for 1 day, 180 months ago)

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 Time Trial Champions#1959/12053
 Total Racenone
 Golden Clubnone
 Standard Levels#1670/10626
 SiuLun's Levels#898/1657
 Master KO's Levelsnone
 OrR's Levelsnone
 You Qi Levelsnone
 Summer Pack#888/919
 Newbie Pack#2045/3129
1. Shelf#2347/2394 (0:36,02)
2. Jumping Trial#1041/2260 (0:40,40)
3. ?lip that ?lipper...#1970/2627 (0:09,54)
4. Way Up There#769/1408 (1:10,88)
5. Cactus#1164/1409 (0:26,44)
6. Hellevatornone
7. Hillz#643/1570 (0:25,78)
8. Double-back Jumps#819/946 (0:39,20)
9. Snowstorm#2069/2143 (0:25,08)
10. Spiralnone
11. Foothill Half Circle#968/1455 (0:36,50)
12. Sharper Than Glass#488/568 (1:46,68)
13. ?urn I?, ?wis? I?, E?c.none
14. Spike Mountain#348/452 (1:41,18)
15. Parachutenone
16. Die or Die!none
 Sweet Fifteen#808/1901
 New Deal#1244/2616
 Old School#1566/2249
 Next Generationnone
 Winter Pack#823/999
 Spring Revivalnone
 7 Year Itchnone

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©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING