so how did MacGuru make this whole level? Does this mean that I am limited to using the ground already in the level by re-arranging the points? If so, not much can be done here. I will post my version in just a bit
But quite honestly they're just not 100% good for the HoF. So I would say we should use the bones version or just go back to the original and let everyone blast down the slope at mach speed, which is what attracted everyone to this level in the first place. I was just worried about the times bottling up.
If we go with bones version, here is what I recommend:
*Flatten out that pointed lip right after the first white ball. If hit the right way, you will launch over 1/3 of the level in the air and that's no good.
*Tighty up the pics (there are some icicles hanging in mid air near the end. I would just go over the entire level up close so nothing looks goofy for the HoF recordings.
*I really like Sz's idea about the snowmen holding the flags. Zoom in on either of my new version to see how cool it looks to have one short and one tall snowman each holding a flag
If we go with the original, at least allow me to re-download it and spruce it up a bit with snowmen and icicles. I could do this in about 5 minutes if we all want to revert back to the original terrain. Ok that's all.
i have made the nessecary changes to my version and will send to sz. i also made anotheer similair version except there is a checkpoint flag bbefore the spike at the end.loo at the spike at the end and go to the left wer it raises up suddenly.i put it there. also the ground in that area is normal. i'll send both to sz