Hey Sorry about the two new entry's here (Demi and ALD--and ALX on Touch Bricks). The Phone part of my Treo stopped functioning But the Palm part still works . I used to submit over the air, but now that wasn't possible. I decided to try using the JAVA submit tool and didn't realize it would take other entries from other players that have used my phone. A year ago back when I was working on this level and one other my kids were playing my phone a lot and had their names in there too. I would sometimes just save with whatever name was there if it was not my top time. The submit over the air would never take those times since it was not my top times. Anyway, apparently the java tool will.
SZ, if you are watching these threads, can you zap the recordings submitted today for ALX, ALD, and Demi? Thanks.
did gus have his own palm?from all the threads that have him in them he seems to imply that he always played on one of his freinds,in wich case he was an amazing player to get sooo many good times..