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44 comments on 5 pages: 1 2 3 4 5 >>>>
This game raises an interesting challenge, to jump the mines I believe that it is possible to be done
that is why i didnt recommend it
But it could still be a nice level.
I think the mines can be jumped too, but I can tell you Bones, that it is not easy. I have tried it a bunch and gotten really close. My feeling about a trick like the ones over the mines is that the person that can pull it off deserves the better time.

So here is the story about this level. I know you want to hear it. My son races BMX bikes (9 years old--know as the Animal at the track and ALD on the BoD site--http://bike.toyspring .com/player.php?p=2218) and as I would watch him, I made this track that mimics the track where he races.

What you learn watching BMX racing is that getting the right rythem makes one rider much faster than another. You will discover that as you do this level. So like it or not, now you know the rest of the story.
like father almost like you master one way of the sport. he'll master the other.hahahahaha
hilarious. those mines look super easy to jump. the ending is a bit boring and pointless though. the flag should be on the other side of the mines, which should extend all the way to the ceiling. also, the top left section just to the right of the flag and down one level should be closed off, as thre is no point to it. but with that stuff fixed, this level looks nice.
I like it until the top level, where it needs a bit more to do.
I really like this level. Has anyone gotten a faster time than 1:16:34? I agree with the comments about the top level and I love Vega's suggestion that the finish flag should be at the bottom left.
Now 1:15:86
I gave this a shot, as much as you people might want to believe the mines are jumpable, I've tried enough times that I'm convinced it can't be done, not missing the mark by a few pixels, but by almost a full mine on even my best atttempts.

If this level were to go in a new pack I think the level needs a redesign to disclude the whole area behind the mines just to insure that we don't end up with players who are better than me jumping the mines, I honestly feel like shortcuts like that shouldn't exist.

I would second Vega's suggestion that the finish flag should be moved to behind the mines, and the mines should extend to the ceiling, making it entirely impossible to jump or evade them.
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