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Bike or Die! Quiz!

This is a multiple choice quiz with 20 questions. When you submit the quiz, I will get a private message with your guesses, and can use one of my programs to automatically grade you!

No cheating!
(I had to learn JavaScript to do this! )

I can add more questions to the quiz if anyone wants me to.

30 comments on 2 pages: <<<< 1 2
Pretty streaky 10/14 - I only knew the answer to 4 questions.
I only knew 3
lol the last question didn't count. It doesn't even save it somewhere .

Tonite im going to make a much better quiz (even though I would have gotten 13/14 [I didn't know SiuLun], it still is not a good quiz )
7 / 14 - How should I remember all those dates??
If you posted the answers I could double check them, though.
7 / 14

I don't think I got any of the dates right. I wasn't around for most of them, and even if I was, I don't usually remember dates.

I got 8/14 even though i wasnt around near any of the dates i think i did ok
New Quiz Uploaded! Log in with your BoD username and any password (remember it though ) and do the registration process before you take the quiz, and it will save your scores and show them in a table with everyone else's .
Who has the worst spelling in bike or die history? AWW COME ON!!!!!

Anyway I may be wrong but I think there was someone in the gus\alex\magnus\ect... group that had worse than me...
oh and 15\30only 50%
xuzz you should include a table showing all the correct answers after...
I do if you log in first. Log in with any password, it will ask to confirm the password (enter it again), then it will say there was an error. Then try logging in again, confirm your password again, and it will work
Your Final Score: 24/30
Hey Mr.pickle. we were never the worst spellers, it was just that _alex_ was very taken with wrting in "msn style" with lots of abreviations. I definetely do not have the worst spelling (though not the best either). You nearly managed to find a scapegoat for your atrocious spelling, but fortunately SuperGus came by, to rid the forums of evil!
Oh, I got 18/30 on this quiz, with pure guesswork (I think I knew 5 answers)
I also managed to score 18/30 with mostly guesses. 18 was a real stumper

I think that there was someone worse like way back in the beggining of bod tho...tho in my opinion msn style typing countsas bad spelling
LOL, pickle says that he isn't the worst at spelling, but misspells "beggining", "tho", "countsas", and more
mike flips
hey ya know if _alex_ can get away with calling his"msn" writing can't i get away with calling my typos "mmo" writing?(the difference of cource is that mmo writing just means no one cares how you spell)
pickle, the point is that _alex_ KNEW how to spell the words. You will have a hard time saying it is typos when you misspell "pain" as "pane"....

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