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Is this game dead?

Has development of this game stopped? I have not seen updates for ages and the WM version Sz was apparently working on is nowhere to be seen.

Should I bother carrying on looking at this site once a week or is it not happening?

Great to hear from you PiNerd.

I wouldn't call the game dead. The iPhone update was huge. Online players exploded from around 3,000 (who had uploaded at least one level) to nearly 8,000 in the last 6-8 months.

Sz does a terrific job keeping up with problems that are identified and posts new levelpacks when they are created. Perhaps he's still working on the WM version, but I don't think it will have anywhere near the impact that the iphone version has had, so it may have lower priority on his list of things to do.

If you want to play and develop levels while you're waiting, I propose you get a cheap palm device. If you're only logging on to see if there is a WM version, maybe you should set an alert in your phone to remind you every 6 months or so. On the other hand, you could log on daily to follow the race for 5th and 8th place.

I would love to see some new levels from you.
Oh yeah, don't forget to visit on July 12th to witness BoD history when the massive Pickle submit occurs. I'm sure they'll be lots of fireworks. His strategy is to take so many of Mike's golds at one time that Mike will be confused and won't have enough time to get them back.

Of course, his strategy may not work since he shared his plan. And we all know that Mike has been remotely crashing Pickles computer because he knows he couldn't get his golds back if Pickle takes a butch at one time.

But either way, I for one will be logged on all day on July 12th to watch the fireworks.
mike flips
You forgot the part about buying a jar of baby dills to munch on while I enjoy the show.
It's not going to happen. As everyone knows, mike flips has Bill Gates on his payroll. He'd sooner crash every computer in the world (by activating the in-built anti-pickle circuitry) than let the times be seen. For shame mike.

Pickle, if you take more than 5 of mike's golds, I will run naked through the town I live in, screaming "All bow before Pickle, he has vanquished mike flips!".
lol, I think I already said that my big submit idea is basicly ruined...As of today I have finished winter pack(for the 5th time ) no golds or anything tho...Just submit will be decent in around 2 packs I bealieve I will gain alot of ranks, but over TTC I probly wont gain more than 1000 points max...

gus..I might just have to drive myself insane and take like 10 of mikes golds I have like 1-2 I think..but not more than that
If my submit had worked out tho, it woulda made a big deal with me shotting up 10 ranks on the same day the 5 year aneversery chart is made... maby I should save another year lol
I believe sz been working on the pod version of bike ordesgn as he has sent me a pic of it and offered me to test it if I want.
The WM version has been an idea since before PrayeR left, but I'd guess it has always been a low-priority possibility.
I don't just check back for the WM version, I like to keep in touch with what is going on too. Sz said in a PM a while ago that he had close to a playable version for WM, so I was thinking that it might be soon, but it has not happened yet

Before somebody says 'StyleTap,' I don't like it and you have to pay for it, and it runs the game slow too, and only 1.6 and earlier.

I have probably lost my level skill but I reckon I could build it back up again if a version I am compatible with comes out one day.
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