15. Coal Miner Rescuein Next Generation
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 |  | Xuzz | 0:56,06 121 pts | View |  |  | Laser | 0:58,52 116 pts | View |  |  | Vega | 0:59,98 112 pts | View | #4 |  | Kristopher | 1:00,66 109 pts | View | #5 |  | Mr.pickle. | 1:01,84 107 pts | View | #6 |  | bones | 1:02,18 105 pts | View | #7 |  | Kamirashi | 1:02,42 103 pts | View | #8 |  | mike flips | 1:04,14 101 pts | View | #9 |  | Champ | 1:04,36 99 pts | View | #10 |  | BikerBrian | 1:04,62 97 pts | View |
Henoch |  | | mike flips |  |  | ill cook u breakfast  |
| bones |  | | Mr.pickle. |  |  | I say agin,if I get top 5 will you belive me?
bones,perfection is way past what you ever have amagined you can't evan fathom perfect(only god can)
vega-WHATS YOUR PROBLEM!!!???!?!I HAVE been working on my rank and games,I fineshed 3 more packs(will be 4 onece I submit agin )I am definatly working on my game,plus I think onece you get to a certain skill level its just how much time you spend on the game,if you spend 8 hours a day you will probly be in top 10,if you spend more like 1 hour to a half hour(like me)your rank will improve but slowly.but I am trying plenty I am on here maby 10 minets a day to reply I do not get on here to sotial,I just love the game,my mom doesent like cuss words she wouldent care if you all were calling me stupid ,an idiot,ect... she just doesent allow me to talk where theres bad words ok?
plus vega I think your comments are all from this perspective"lowly noob I will kill him,I am king because I own 4 packs and if I did the others I would own them to(but you don't)I am king so they all worship whatever I say!!!"I don't think your king I think you a tyrant and I think your comments are much more ingnorant on supernaturall,you don't play that pack so over there you should not comment.
bones one last thing I have alot of respect for you(evan tho you seem to hate me)you are one of the best players there are you made some of the best levels there are,but my respect for you drops every day because it turns out your a jerk(to a certain degree).I am now done.I will be getting top 5 on this level in 2 months(at most).
| mike flips |  |  | SZ for the sake of all of us ban him from forums.
| bones |  |  | pickle i am going to answer this nicely and try not too start an argumnt but i say now this is te last time i comment on this subject.
1. i will not cuss because iam not a jerk(you ae the only one who thinnks so because with me show respect to gain respect)
2. i know for a fact mike doesnt even play for more than 3 hours a week and hes the outstanding leader of everything.
3. i am glad that you have respect for me but remember that respect when i say< < when everyone in BoD says you are wrong you are 98% of the time wrong> > > and the other two percent belong to me in my predictions of cmr save the princess and WTTJ.
4. what vega means by improve rank is get your scores up in the levels but i personally think you should do total race first then go back and up the levels.
i hope i have done this to a manner which we can all understand
p.s. you did a lot better in your spelling mr.pickle good job |
| Henoch |  | | Mr.pickle. |  |  | sorry lost my temper,bones I caaled you a jerk because you don't respect my estamate of the perfect time,here is probly the truth abou the time on this level;the best time that will ever be obtained(your right)is around55:xx,the best time humanly possible is probly around 50;xx,however I think that the perfect rout would put you near to 45;xx maby more like 48;xx.
all the people don't read the forums so "everyone in bod dident say anything bones.
I am as you say going for total race first,then I will get top 5 on this level,(it will be 2 months from the time I start this level). |
| Mr.pickle. |  |  | one more thing,mike;sz has never banned anyone from the forums and I doubt he will ban me,enless I was saying something dumb like"this a stupid game(a false statement)"but we all have opinions on the best times of levels,so I don't see why sz would get mad at me for having my own opinion . |
| Champ |  | |
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