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15. Coal Miner Rescue
in  Next Generation Requires v1.4
Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...140 ...145
#1 Xuzz0:56,06
121 pts
View45:xx is possible.
#2 Laser0:58,52
116 pts
ViewThat's one small step for a man and one giant leap for Laserkind.
#3 Vega0:59,98
112 pts
ViewI finally achieved under a minute ......and I hate this level now more than ever
#4 Kristopher1:00,66
109 pts

Should I add more?
#5 Mr.pickle.1:01,84
107 pts
#6 bones1:02,18
105 pts
Viewnot even for a day mike but thanks for the motivation
#7 Kamirashi1:02,42
103 pts
#8 mike flips1:04,14
101 pts
#9 Champ1:04,36
99 pts
#10 BikerBrian1:04,62
97 pts
164 comments on 17 pages: <<<< 1 2 ... 8 9 10 ... 16 17 >>>>
go for it mike

and yes vega no one knows my own level and its potential best time better than i do. especially someone who is new to the game. if someone like you or mike said it(you wouldnt because its crazy though) i would know that meant you found a secret that made it possible) unlike someone who hasnt even submitted a time for it!!!
hehe look at that no one knows
or know one knows
or no one no's
orknow won knows
or no won no's
i thin you get the ideait made me laugh
aha!!I cought you,you said" especially someone who is new to the game. if someone like you or mike said it(you wouldnt because its crazy though) i would know that meant you found a secret that made it possible) unlike someone who hasnt even submitted a time for it!!!"I cought you!!!
you guys inly value the opinions of"good players"how do you know i don't have a secre way to do it????
you don't!!!!you asumed that I dident becuase Im a noob!!I cought you you actuly said it yourself ha!!!
any way if I get in the top 5 on this level would you value my opinion?(im willing to do it)
P.s.don't cuss!,or curse or whatever you want to call it!if my mom sees me comenting on a message bourd where theres bad words shel ban me from the site!
if you respond o that with cussing it will prove my statement about how you all want me to leave(and im not going to no matter what you do shell forget eventualy
Keep in mind, they are only deprecating your opinion in regard to playing perfection; you might realize we are closer to a perfect time than you think if you played this level well yourself.
You opinion is just as good as anyone else's when it comes to game or level ideas, though, and you can become good at this game eventually.
BTW, if I sound like I'm in college, it's because I have an essay due in nine hours, and it's late here!!!
Yes everyone has an opinion, and they all should be listened to. Mine is that Bones should drop the insults and move on, and that Mr P should realise he's aggravating people, be more constructive next time, and move on.
Moving on....
pickle we are all close too perfection and there is no doubt in my mind that 55 is the perfection score. i am done with this subject. also ibanez this is only the second time since ive been on tis site where i have had a comment like that. vega knew that it meant he wsa really pissing me off. i dont usually do it and dont worry i probably wont do it again.(at least not for a really really long time.)
I agree with Ibanez. But I would like to say that I laughed harder at bones' comment than any comment I have ever heard from BoD. It's like pickle was able to drive him to his whit's end and he just lost it

At any rate.... dillboy, your lastest comment here may be the most atrocious entry from you so far. And if your mom is reading this board and is okay with your dialogue but not bones words, then that would make her as whacked as you

I no longer wonder if you are a fraud and doing this on purpose. It would be a sweet gig if you were, but the pure genious required to pull this off would be inhuman. You are definitely a young pup. It sounds as tho you'd like to have us value your opinion more. I have the greatest advice for you ever. Are you ready? Here it is...........

> > > > > just work on your times a little more < < < < < .

Do something in the **game** to get a 'different' kind of recognition. Stop leaving a trail of claims behind you of what can or can't be done and such. So far most of what I have seen from you is that you are here for social purposes only. You are going to be viewed as a leech and a splinter in this forum forever if you continue to act the way you do. But you are probably just a super energetic, ambitiously social, stubborn, poorly educated, and heavily salted pickle. But, even still, you seem good at the root.

If you like BoD enough to be spending your time here instead of some of the other games out there, then great, at least you have something in common with the BoD community. Build on that picklehead, and you can turn around this hilarious entrance you've made.

Senior Director of Psychiatry, Harvard University

I do enjoy your eloquent responses Vega And Bones, I can see it was all born out of frustration, I think we're all feeling a bit pickle whipped right now - and the vision of you boiling over as you read another pickleism is pretty funny actually. I guess I was just concerned the forum mood was heading in an uncomfortable direction.
So, moving on - again...
How about that three-way Head2Head
Okay, stop debating and moving on. But... i really want to see pickle getting top 5 in this level.. . It's mean you have to overcome Cirenco's time. Okay.. let's say 1.15 is enough to prove that you are thinking before you say anything.

I my self won't try this level in near future.. and let my 1.32 stay for a long time.. unless someone offer me 5000 dollars to me and then i will repair my time .. okay that's too much ... 1000 dollars is enough to treat my family to dinner
mike flips
How about 1000 yen Henoch?

I think there should be a new voting option in the forums. We can vote to have players lose their speaking priveleges for a week.
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