11. Foothill Half Circlein
Newbie Pack
#7 |  | Kamirashi | 0:20,86 107 pts | View |
#247 |  | Raimo | 0:24,20 19 pts | Secret |

Vin |  |  | i hav 22.54 |
Gus |  |  | You know this is kinda dumb! Why do you all keep your games private when I'm beating you and leaving it open? Unless of course you all have a new trick that you wish to keep secret...
I'd like to see how some others complete this level because ,believe it or not, I'm still tryin' to get better at it and I would therefor like any assistance that you would care to render me! |
.sam |  |  | Hey, I may be a NEWBIE, but did anyone try to take a stopwatch to these "top" scores... I did this level in 24.44 thought it was a great time only to find that I was beaten by 4 seconds...When I timed the leader's run, guess what???? IT PLAYS AT OVER 25 SECONDS...WHAT'S GOING ON HERE??????? |
PMD |  |  | You can't go by the flash recording of the replay. It is not precise and will depend on the speed of your computer.
Why don't you run a head to head with your recording and a faster public time and see where you are slower. I think if you timed your flash recording too, you would find that it is longer than the time reflected on your palm. |
.sam |  |  | You are right PMD, It was the flash player slowing the race down...Still I got my time down to 22.78 and did a head to head agaist the fastest time, but I still can't figure out how he beats me, he just seems to accelerate faster??????
I guess I'll keep trying. |
Gus |  |  | Hi, I'm back (albeit briefly), just to let you know: I DESTROYED the record here by a massive 0:06 seconds (ironically the same amount I was beaten by). Naturally I will do everything in my power to submit it, but with the computers, and terrible palm pilot that is/are being used, it is not hopeful. On a side note, Well Done to Vega for getting more insane times. I always thought that if you expanded your repetoire you would lose your mystique, but such is not the case. 20:64 is now the time to beat here, I hope you manage it (unless I submit, in which case I curse all of your Palms with the electronic version of rabies)! |
PMD |  |  | Likely story Gus. I'll believe it when I see it. I've heard the computer and lousy Palm story before. I'm still waiting for some of the other times you have promised that you had.
So, let's see it bluffer.
Champ |  |  | Hey Gus, are you brining alex back with you? =o |
Xuzz |  |  | He said on chat that _alex_ has been playing when he gets a chance (on other peoples palms) too... |
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