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 United Kingdom, 3.1415926535897932384626433...
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Creator of  Peak Biker
Nerdio's Levels
Nerdio's Further Levels
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BikeForce: Elements

Best rank ever: #85
(for 2 days, 191 months ago)

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Head to Head
Submitted Level Time
New Deal - 8. Thriller0:33,12  Secret
New Deal - 1. Bigger Than Life0:20,56  View
New Deal - 10. Wet Stone0:15,56  View
New Deal - 11. Antiworld1:31,58  View
New Deal - 5. Asymmetric0:47,08  View
Newbie Pack - 1. Shelf0:12,72  Secret
Old School - 10. Freestyle0:56,02  Secret
Old School - 14. Leap of Faith0:59,22  Secret
Old School - 13. Inside Building1:07,92  Secret
Old School - 10. Freestyle0:48,04  View
Old School - 11. Save the Princess!!1:24,60  View
Old School - 12. Snake0:40,96  View
Old School - 5. The Default Cave0:57,24  View
Old School - 4. Christmas0:47,82  View
Old School - 3. Borszczuk's Delight1:11,22  View
Old School - 14. Leap of Faith0:52,10  View
Old School - 7. Like a Glove0:49,62  View
Old School - 8. Welcome to the Jungle0:37,04  View
Old School - 9. Rock Climber0:58,26  View
Supernatural - 3. Sequence0:23,02  Secret
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING