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14 Aug 2006


No, I saw your message and the part I forgot to mention is my changes look almost exactly like what you have in your picture.

Dirt Jumps

Another great level, so far my best is 28:52. I seem to die a lot hitting the ground after the last jump.

That can easily be fixed by slightly tweaking the starting spot.
Red Sox 1

I like the Fenway one too. It has lots of different ways you can complete it and it is short.

I really like this one though. With careful control of the bike you can really get moving on this level. Skilled players can really do it fast and other players will still be able to do it.
World Champs

Black Mountain

It is epic, it is long, it is grueling, and making a mistake at the end will make you want to bash your head (or your gaming device) against a wall.

I don't like levels that feel like that, I don't think any levels with more than 90 seconds spent should be allowed into HoF.
mike flips
they are nice levels but are either too short/long or are similar to other levels that we already have in TTC
mike flips
I think the only good level for Time Trial is Dirt Jumps
These are nice, easier levels.
For newbies, they make an easy, fun challenge.
For the Time Trial, levels #1, #2, and #6 would be nice.
If you want to add more features to your levels, don't forget about the custom bitmaps, invisable lines, and obstacles.
mike flips
only dirt jumps, black mountain is way too long
It took me almost three minutes, but I got it on the third try.
mike flips
3 minutes = too long
No, I think it'd be hilarious if there was a Time Trial level that took ten minutes to complete.
Chandler and Black Mountain are longer for sure. Good technique will get them done a lot quicker. As with any level with some practice. Good suggestion Kristopher on using some of the other obstacles/decorations. SZ, when you have the next version with new features, are you going to put the level editor out there early, so we can build some new levels with the new features?
I have done Black Mountain in 1:45, so it is all in the practice (I think it could be done maybe 1:35 or better). It is like Cave Dweller (a level I don't really like for what it is worth). My time there is almost 4 minutes, but the the best is 2 minutes (true I haven't spent a lot of time improving my score--but you get the picture). I think 1:35 would be faster than the best score on one or two of the levels that will be in the new level pack (Breaking School, Dragon Flame). Yes, 3 minutes is too long, and so is 2.
Cave Dweller was hard, and you could die every ten seconds. For Black Mountain, since I could probably beat it 50% of the time going slowly, I do not think it is nearly too long.
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