I was not going to advertise this level till after this whole intro competition thing sinc no one will pay atention,after that I will advertise alot....but since youv already brought attention to it..,its the same as the first climb level I made but a WHOLE LOT EASYERI took alot of advice from laser on this,he helpd me to make the ending more interesting and the beginning easyer,so thanks laser
I also toned down the colors alot since people tend to complian about that.....
well now that all the freestyle stuf is over,you can all try this level,its the same generall Idea as the origanall but much easyer,I also toned down the colors because people comented that they dident like the vibrant colors of my origanall pack. it may not look like much but I can garenty that after you beat it(probly in under 100 tries)youl find it very adicting(just like the rest of bod)
I got to the top of the shaft in 3 or 4 tries, but didn't make it to the top flag until my 48th try. I missed the top flag and fell through the finish flag to my death. I completed the level on my 49th try (59 secs).
Good job with the modifications. I like it better now that I beat it .