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You Qi

E-mail policy

Well, I found that the server seems like didn't show out our "ticked" value. After you ticked few of them and save it, the next time you come in all will return to unchecked checkbox again. and regarding the Ranking notification, is this function working? I don't think so...

both should work.
but maybe the page with old checkboxes was cached? (try refreshing).
as for the ranking notification, it is only sent when the global ranking changes (Time Trial Champions), and yours was not changed recently. i think we have to wait for rachman to see if the notification works for you
You Qi
I found why the problem occurs. Firstly, i think this only happen to IE browser, firefox seems working with the code.

ok, so here's the problem:
< input type="checkbox" name="erank" value="1" "checked">
the "checked" should not be in bracket
oh, you're right, it was my fault :-O
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING