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in  OrR's Levels

Best time: 0:32,00
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24 comments on 3 pages: <<<< 1 2 3
8 May 2005, 14:35
jaja pendejos, vana ver como me los atoro... cirenco, que pedo, vasmoa a chingarnos a estos weyes o no?
16 Dec 2006, 9:52
Are we not allowed to try and get back a Gold that one of us held for 9 months and the other had only held for 3 days? What is wrong with that?
16 Dec 2006, 18:35
Mata does not understand the extreme, random, and ruthless competition here today.
16 Dec 2006, 19:47
haha hes lost in a sea of bronze
16 Dec 2006, 19:51
lol!! I wrote that last night arriving home from a party, and i didnt remember it!!! jajaja sorry guys.... ok.. ill fight for it! youll see!!!
17 Dec 2006, 10:01
me quitaste 2 de plata y ahora me pedis ayuda , vas a tener que salvarte sólo por ahora, a menos que haga méritos ... esto ahora no es cómo antes güerito ahora hay una guerra por las medallas y hay que cuidarse la espalda .
17 Dec 2006, 17:23
jaja trankilo chileno, estaba pedo, y por supuesto que no quiero tu ayuda... afortunadamente este sigue siendo mi hobby eventual, y no me preocupa ganar tanto como a ti.Que hasta peleas con la gente jajaja.. Ademas, si me esfuerzo, no te vaya a pasar como al colo-colo!!
17 Dec 2006, 20:26
Sorry for taking the gold back, I had it for a long time, but I knew that it was very beatable. As it still is. No bad feelings I hope.
17 Dec 2006, 20:36
f course not smalls... thats the goal isnt it??.. congrats, and ill fight my medal back... gj
18 Dec 2006, 0:09
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