Still another 2 seconds to come off this, I wasn't happy with the big bounce off the third step, and I'm still not happy with having to pop up in the air getting up the quarter-pipe
Hmmm.. o that's the secret. But can anybody make a giant leap from the second step directly to grab the 4th and 5th flag? If someone could make it, the game will be 30 something second
I have only once leapt from the second step trailing my back wheel enough to grab the 4th flag and hang up on the ledge collecting the 5th flag, but I think it's impossible to fly-through and land on the ledge to carry on down to the 6th flag in this way. Would love to see it done though!
I have tried these tricks Lee.
http://bike.toyspring .com/game.php?g=84316
http://bike.toyspring .com/game.php?g=84314
The 24.56 replay could be done in a way where you actually land on the 3rd steps after snagging both flags..... but it's cumbersome and slow. Basically it's doable but doesn't save time in the end. Now the 20.62 run might be worth a look. It's hard to get just right. As you can see I missed the top flag but came close enough so that you get the idea. This might save some time, but the landing is too much downforce. Somebody may land this sometime though