In case you don't read other comments answering this very question... I don't feel like going through all my games and making them public. But if i do go to a game and see there is no reason for it to be private i'll change it.
This level for example, now that you've made me go to it, I will change it but i don't want to go through hundreds of games changing them.
This is a good point though....
Wouldn't it be good to have a page view of your games, with maybe a choice of check box next to each game in the "Games-on-Line" page to say if you want to make them private or public.
I've often thought that the reason more games aren't public is because there isn't a wholesale way of converting them... it must've taken Prayer ages to do his when he left, cos he had most of his games private.... and there were nowhere near the number of level packs then as there is now...
This page could be all games, or just the best games you have on-line...
Kris? - Sz?
I'm confused. for me, the process of changing a game from secret to public is about 3 seconds total. So if someone wanted to change 100 different games from secret to public, all they would need to do is go to their main current ranking page, click the level, go into the replay and click "make public" or whatever. I would estimate chaning 100 games to be about a 10 minute process altogether. This means you can do about 10 games a minute at least!
I don't have secret games because I don't want to take the time to open them. infact, I submit all of my games public first, then I go in and intentionally make them secret if I want to. I choose which games I want secret based on several different reasons for any given level. Most of the time I don't want people running my games head to head. I still would like to see the option of making your game viewable, yet unavailale for H2H.
I could make a page like that, but I think it is so original (nothing like it here), that Sz should add it as a main feature to this site: a page where all of the record games for a player are visible. Once that is added, it would be fairly easy to make the page control the public / private settings. However, you can specify if the game is public on your Palm when you play it, so you shouldn't ever have to change that on this site.
I just click through it. When i get a faster time i dont even look at those screens it is habit that i just press ok and secret or whatever the screens ask for. If someone changed a name on my palm i'd be saving all games under that person's name without realizing it.
I like Lee's idea.
Would be great if we could delete or move games elsewhere this way too (if they're not in TTC). For those of us with lots of games on line its hard to find something you were working on and want to go back to.
as for the secret thing - if you want to see it - ask nicely