Though your run is impressive and quick, so maybe I have!
Must check to see how many Golds I would need to take off MF to put you one ahead of him (as if I could!). Then work out how long it would take you to overhaul him..
Of course if you were to find a way to play again (which isn't all that hard to do I think - equipment wise at least), hmmm?
Hush my weasely words of temptation - ehh!?
Or have you achieved a zen like total indifference to that (this!) particular compulsion by now?
Andrew, I could possibly be tempted if I could get it running under an older iOS. My zen like indifference is because playing it isn't an option. There are definitely a few levels I'd like to try again.
I wouldn't mind buying an older iphone or ipod touch, but I don't remember what was the latest iOS BoD works on. Remind me how you're playing.