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Player's comment:
02:02 02/02/2020
Level 7 - Expl-O-sion 2.0

Time: 0:42,76 (Completed)


Andrew A
Very well done that man! Excellent run buddy!!

Sad to hear about your Treo - I can't help on that front sorry to say, as I haven't used a Palm device in many years.

Actually, thinking about it, I do still have that Sony Clie NX73 somewhere that I told you about ages ago. I think it might even have a copy of BoD on it. I'll dig it out and check if it still works - it's yours if of any use? the button layout isn't optimal as best I remember, though I never really gave it a go, but I did have an add on plug in game controller for it, though where it might be... (a bit like a mini Nintendo controller I think - never even tried it).

Will let you know.

Great to hear from you - was wondering..
Fantastic run, Champ! You, Andrew, and me were neck and neck in the first layer. You shot through the first portal like you had a jetpack. If I had a way to play again, I would give this level another try!

Thanks for opening!
Thanks, Andrew. You are too kind. I have retired from Bike or Die unless there's a way I can emulate it cause my health problems prevent me from looking down. It is awfully nice of you to offer.

Thanks, BikerBrian. Haha. Would love to see you back in the race. This level's a fun one. There aren't nearly enough gravity-centric levels.
There are now finally nice ways to emulate bike or die.
The easiest way is to search for "Bike or Die PalmDB" and then to click the link to "try it now" at the bottom of the page.
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