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New Zealand, Dunedin
Level 11 - RGB

Time: 0:53,32 (Completed)


Andrew A
Hey Lee!

Warms the cockles seeing this

It's like seeing Clapton doing one of my tunes!

I'm sure you will get a lot faster here (as you said - momentum... Momentum and twangy, bouncy, stretchy goodness), though I doubt anyone will get close to Tyler now he's riffing hard on this. Quite something ain't he (BoD Hendrix?)?

Thanks for you're comment by the way. Yea, I guess I am a 'proper' player now, and I don't mean to sound overly self deprecating (which is irritating), it's just, well... you look at 'Typhoon Tyler' (OK - a UK snooker sensibility creeping in there...) - and you can't help but realise there's 'proper'.

And 'Proper' proper .

Which you are as well - in a more cerebral, considered way imho (is that OK to all parties concerned?).

Keep playing pretty please - you are core to the BoD sensibility.

And pardon the over long post.
Andrew A
Should read :-

(is that OK with all parties concerned?)

Pardon my Aspie slip up

Yeah - I love to see the bouncy stretchy craziness that the true 'speedsters' manage to achieve on these games. Tyler is certainly taking it to the next level, and the back quarter, from the entry into the blue zone, is definitely going to get faster yet.

Clapton... I think probably more like Ringo Star (just tagging along with the geniuses.)
But, I'm about to beat 50 seconds and I think I am only starting ot discover what a flowing level this actually is.

I am not one of the speedsters, but I like picking levels apart, and occasionally; just occasionally; finding something new that lets others take it to the next level more aggressively.

keep opening up the games for our entertainment, eh?
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