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United States, San Francisco
Player's comment:
First game played in the Palm Emulator
Level 2 - Riding School Part 2

Time: 0:22,40 (Completed)


mike flips
what emulator software and what device are you using?
Not the smoothest run I've seen from you , but pretty good considering you don't have a palm. Btw, why don't you have a palm (or your Zodiac)?
yeah the palm buttons are much easyer....I ges your making dew with what ya got tho
Background computer is a HP Dv6000 ( ), but I did some things to it first. It initially ran Windows XP, but I deleted that and installed OSx86 ( ), which is basically a hacked version of the Mac operating system to run on PCs. On top of that, however, I installed Windows XP inside a virtual machene from Parallels Desktop ( http://www.parallels. com/products/desktop/ ). So my computer is kinda () weird...

Now on to the emulators. There are two Palm emulators: the Palm OS Emulator ( ), and the Palm OS Simulator ( ). The emulator is for Mac and PC, while the Simulator is only in for Windows.

First, I tried the Emulator for Mac. This ran the Black and White version of BoD at around 400% speed, which is unplayable. That is where i got this game from.

Next, the Emulator for Windows. That (even in a Virtual Machene) ran at almost 10x speed. I couldn't beat anything.

On the simulator for Windows, it ran at around almost full speed (but in a VM again), and it was in full hires color with sound. I submitted a few games from that too.

The problem with all of this is that you can only use the F1, F2, F3, and F4 can be used, along with the "page up" and "page down" buttons. I am working on writing a program to fix this.

all of them can submit with the internet submit in BoD.
Oh that's how you submit from the simulator.
(It doesn't create actual .PRC / .PDB files, unless I missed something.)
It does can export them with the "Export Database" right click option . Also, if you install the HostFS.prc file, it adds a folder in the PalmSim directory that acts like a memory card.
mike flips
Amazing, went i originally tried doing things from the computer i didnt go that route. I used programs that displayed the palm on the computer and connected through the hotsync cable. So the problem I had was the it was way too slow and the response time was off. But what you are doing sounds like there is real potential.
the hoysync cable is really slow on everything but lifedrive.
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