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Playing with Hacks :D

I did some testing, and found how the recording .PDB files are formatted. I haven't done much with it yet, but I modified my Human Insides recording so it is one frame slower: http://fusionware.our eordie/mygames/index.php?c=1195869385 .
If you compare this to the original, you will see it is exactly the same, except for a minor difference near the end.
I can't submit this recording ("invalid recording file"), but I may eventually find why the recording is invalid.
Anyway, editing the recordings is very impractical for improving times, but I like to know that I can do it.
I won't try to use it for Hall of Fame competitions, but I would like to at least improve some recordings with it.

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©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING