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Screen blanking on some levels!

I've got a weird bug on at least 2 levels on my Treo 680. Basically when I'm on the far left of a level the screen goes completely blank in zoomed out mode until I have moved a certain distance back to the right when the 'picture' comes back. It doesn't do it for as long in normal mode but it still does. The levels I have found this in are WOW and Dante's! Anybody else having this problem? It happens in both 1.5 and 1.6 - not sure about 1.4 and earlier.....It's causing me to not be able to complete these 2. Sz? Any ideas?

This bug occurs when the level is too close to the edge of the available space. I know Ice Skating does this and what else? Hill Marathon?
this happened to me and i still completed dantes (with much difficulty. the fix is to turn off zoom out
aaah, i haven't played these "vanishing" levels after implementing the "zoom out"... yeah, it makes the bug worse i didn't want to fix this bug because it is mostly harmless, but perhaps i will have to, because the "zoom out" in the new BoD v2.0 is even more "out"
BoD v2.0! Yum!
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING