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Best rank ever: #808
(for 9 days, 173 months ago)

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Head to Head
32 games on 2 pages: <<<< 1 2
Submitted Level Time
Standard Levels - 3. Double Sprint0:42,88  Secret
Standard Levels - 4. Sinus Mountains0:44,76  Secret
Standard Levels - 6. The Right Way0:49,08  Secret
Standard Levels - 24. The Well0:31,88  Secret
Supernatural - 1. Sticky Hill0:34,94  Secret
Supernatural - 3. Sequence0:28,82  Secret
Supernatural - 4. Rocky McFly0:38,52  Secret
Supernatural - 6. Pink Cave0:26,58  Secret
Sweet Fifteen - 2. Piece Of Cake1:21,14  Secret
Sweet Fifteen - 6. Tools0:35,40  Secret
Winter Pack - 12. Icecap Run1:24,92  Secret
You Qi Levels - 9. Shark!1:03,42  Secret
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING