yeah for sure can't save times on my ipod when playing this level. beaten it 5 times now and every time i can't save the game and it doesn't autosave it.
hopefully. also smalls i have a question for you that i've wanted to ask for years. Your comment on bike o' clock says you will probably open it soon. Has 6 years and 11 months been long enough yet??
That has to be frustrating for you and bones. I can't imagine what's going on. I play on an iPhone 5, running iOS7 Beta 3. Alpha uses a Palm-based Treo. Both work great. What device are you using?
Wow, that's cool. Maybe it's time to grab an iPod Touch or an iPhone just to beat this level. There is a learning curve to get used to the touch screen, but I think you'll like it!
Yeah. I have been thinking about getting an iTouch just to play this game. Not sure when though. I think that I would have a hard time transitioning as I only play with one thumb and two fingers would take some time to master without messing up a LOT. Worth it in the long run though. I am just about to delete the pack from my palm and re-install it. It will delete all of my recordings, but hopefully it will work. I sure hope so as it is way nice to have my ghosts to race. Wish me luck!
Finally!! My palm died and I had to re-download the whole game. I downloaded the most recent version and it let me play this...barely. The bike has color, but the rest of the level is black and white. Weird.