Wow! I am just now seeing this for this first time. This might be one of the most interesting head to heads I've seen. It's amazing how many times we swap the lead. I have always known that 1:52 was possible. This confirms how. But the thing about this level, is that it's so long that it makes it very difficult to strong together a perfect run all the way through, just as you mention above. It takes advanced BoD'ing just to get into the 1 minute club. Improving from there gets super tight and mighty time consuming. Nice job PMD.
I've always known that my run is extremely slow from 0:18-0:47, but I catch up to PMD and Vega at the 0:51 mark with a terrific drop and turn-around.
I'm very pleased with the climb up the cable and have rarely been able to reproduce it with such acceleration. The skip onto the cable in the upper right is one of the trickiest moves of the level.
You'll see me nearly lose it at 1:30.72. Grabbing the back wheel quickly on the tight-wire allows for acceleration across the top.
I finish it off with what I'll consider the patented BB finish - a kiss off of the ceiling, lining me up to grab the finish flag.
I have played this level many times after getting this gold, since I knew I could improve the first minute. However, as Vega and PMD mentioned, this level is so long and there are so many small pieces to put together, I have yet to beat this run.