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(United States, NORTHPORT)  Mr.pickle.
Submitted: View solo
Time: 0:28,24
Player's comment:

most people when a level is hard, they simply avoid it, me on the other hand, look the level straight in the face and say"eat my dust!"
 PMD (United States, Mesa)
Submitted: View solo
Time: 0:31,08
Level 14 - Triangles

That's a great trick! ...but I am not sure that you can get enough speed going to continue up the path of blocks and finish the job strong. The only way I can see it working well is if you could land on the first (or second) block in such a way that it stretches your bike just enough to propel you forward with the necessary momentum.
ive done this before but i agree, i dont think it provides enough momentum. In my fastest ending, i flipped off the last triangle to bounce up to the others and ride all the way up on my back wheel. Too bad the rest of it sucked.
Its possible, I did it a few times on accedent while getting the gold, I simply died right before hitting the flag
I think, for the fastest route, you would want to fall almost vertically from the lowest triangle (in the left staircase), then use a forward flip to spring onto the second section of triangles.
That way you won't have to coast backwards.
thats what i meant kris :p
Kris explained it better
yes I have done that
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