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(Canada, Toronto)  Laser
Submitted: View solo
Time: 0:58,52
Player's comment:
That's one small step for a man and one giant leap for Laserkind.
 Xuzz (United States, San Francisco)
Submitted: View solo
Time: 0:58,12
Level 15 - Coal Miner Rescue

Could have been gold. I will say that 53-54 is possible for sure.
BTW, this is the fastest start, by far -- but none of the top three games use it. I didn't do the flip at 32 seconds, slowing me down, and my last flag grab was awful.
Dang man that is an insane drop down the first well. I don't know how "duplicatable" it is, but if it's possible to start that way time after time, I think chopping another 2-3 seconds of the gold is possible for sure. The problem is that this is still the most frustrating and user-unfriendly level ever entered into the hall of fame. And for that, you can thank bones, the designer, who refused to let majority rule when it came time to critique/modify levels before cementing them into the HoF.

Yes, bones, I am calling you out on this one. I know you will come back with a comment, but that's ok, cause you were also a stickler about CYBR, and it took a genius suggestion by one of the players to convince you of one tiny little change.

Anyway, I'm not whining. I'm already in the under a minute club. But I sent a much more user friendly version of CMR, and it was rejected in favor of bones' original. I think the replay is on one of Kristopher's servers somewheres from back in the day.
I can get it occasionally. Maybe 10 times so far, out of 3000 tries on my iPhone to go from 1:14.xx to 59.xx.
I have managed that drop once or twice, I have also experemented with falling from the first drop all the way to the last ledge and using that to sling the bike into the next drop, but its rare to manage that one properly...To unstable for use enless you have more patients then me.

I won't bother saying what I think is possible here I think we all know where I stand
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