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United States, Kansas City
Player's comment:
well here is the first time on my first level on my itouch its hard and i feel like a newb again but its good to be back
Level 1 - Welcome Dungeon

Time: 0:48,44 (Completed)


Sweet run.
So how does the controling work on itouch Bones?
From the video it looked like it still takes 2 thumbs, and there are 2 eperate controlling thingy's on the opposite sides of the screen..

Whever it comes out officially, I wil have to get my friend who has an itouch to try the demo(So far he sais he will never buy the game becuase he thinkgs its stupid)
The coolest part of the iPhone controls is that you can move them to the precise position that's comfortable for you. The latest add on to this is you can 'clone' buttons - for me that means I can have two Brake and Reverse buttons - one close and handy for each thumb.
so in other words you could make them the same as the controls on palm?Exept flat of course...
Pickle -- IDK if there will be a demo: apple doesn't like that AFAIK. So unless Sz puts out a 'lite' version that they do allow, I don't think there will be a demo.

But you could buy it for your friend and support sz .
Dude I am teenager with no job, in a country that obama is about to overtax, so there is no way I would be able to afford ANYTHING
thing is you hit the wrong one a lot no matter what you do. i like the preset ones a lot. they are pretty good placement. the thing where the screen stays in the same angle as the biker almost made me pukle. seriously. but im glad too be back. wont be competitive for a long time but its stil good to be back.
Pukle (verb):
1. Puking pickles.
2. Puking induced by pickles.
actually its to chuckle and puke at the same time.
Oh .

I like the fact that the default controls on the iPod is almost exactly the way I have it on my zodiac ...
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