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Is now the time to add another new levelpack??

Guys, do you think now is the time to think adding some new levelpack? Since Vega is getting bored and he attacks the older levelpack, why don't we give him a new ones instead old levelpack to play :-p
It has been more than 3 months since the last levelpack released on March 11. Maybe the good launching time is on the 3rd birthday of bod?? (but i don't think there's enough time to do that, since there's only several days left until July 12) What do you think guys??

I think, since we released two levelpacks (almost) simulateously, we should wait a bit longer. Also, since there are so many levels for a new player to beat, I think we should not release the levelpacks so fast now.
But if people make more levels, a new levelpack may be more appealing.
If we look at historical data, Standard July 12 2004 , Siulun September 1, Master KO October 29, OR level November 10. The range from Master KO to OR is about 12 days, nearly similar to Old School and Next Generation. At that time the levels still not as so many as today. (but i think the new player will be happy if there are some more level to conquer as happy as the older player ).Still it is much favourable if the next level is on August or September
And i'm still waiting for Vega making new movies levelpack as his promise before . Come on Vega
I'm not bored. Don't need a new levelpack until at least Christmas-time.

Hey by the way Henoch, congrats on your first gold!!
and i hope that time you have finish 8 to 12 levels of moviepack vega.
Thanks anyway
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING