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Time Trial Champions
See also: 5 Years On Bike! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Pages: 1...10 ...20 ...30 ...12040 ...12050 ...12052
#1 Andrew A26604 pts
#2 Kamirashi25209 pts
(1395 pts behind Andrew A)
#3 BikerBrian24869 pts
(340 pts behind Kamirashi)
#4 PMD22996 pts
(1873 pts behind BikerBrian)
#5 Laser22988 pts
(8 pts behind PMD)
#6 mike flips22757.5 pts
(230.5 pts behind Laser)
#7 Tyler21439 pts
(1318.5 pts behind mike flips)
#8 casey20385 pts
(1054 pts behind Tyler)
#9 Shane20241 pts
(144 pts behind casey)
#10 Kristopher20230.126 pts
(10.874 pts behind Shane)
- 121 pts for the best time in a level
- at least 1 point for completing a level
Read more:  Scoring method changed
 "Time Trial Champions" Changes
BoD will live on forever. We hope to see you back in the race, bones
You Qi
Hey guys, it's like almost a decade How's everyone doing?
Great! Hopefully the new level pack will bring back some of the old gang How have you been You Qi?
Carl China
So I have decent scores in the newest packs and I was going to start revisiting the levelpacks I am the lowest ranked in. But seeing as how I have a different phone now (and I am still trying to get used to playing on a touch screen lol) I don't have my ghost bike....Theres not a way to recover those to an iphone is there?
Pickle, you can easily get all of your ghost runs onto your iPhone. Open your profile, select "Games on-line", and the click "Download my best games" (at the bottom of the page). Enjoy!
huzzah, brian you are awesome
Never thought I'd be climbing up the ranks again
Welcome back, Kris! Seems like a big gap between you and Tyler, but some minimal effort on your part should close that gap quickly. Are you playing on a palm device still or have you upgraded to the iOS platform?
Playing on an iPhone right now but not liking the controls And I don't think I can beat Tyler, #6 is good enough for me
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