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Scoring method changed

Time Trial Champions and Levelpack Rankings are now calculated differently.
In general, the new method gives more points to average players. Until now, only top 99 players in each level could win more than one point in a level. Most players only gained 1 point and there was no difference between players below top 99.

Old method

Under new rules you always gain some ranking points by improving your position in the level. First 50 players get 1 point a rank, and each next 50 decreases the points/rank factor by half.

New method

See also:  Improving the global ranking calculation

Hey Sz. I love the scoring method. It's great for less-than-stellar players like me. Any chance you can add the points for each level to the export files? Some levels have so many ties that you can get lots of points, even with a low ranking. Ex: I have 82 points on Equisplateral with a rank of 50. Sorting by points will allow us to focus on the best levels for boosting Time Trial rank.
This is no longer the scoring method. We implemented a "bonus" points system last year so there is an accelerated percentile increase in points as you climb the ranks. There is a healthy (or maybe unhealthy ) amount of posts in the forum history on this topic for reference.

Yeah, I probably shouldn't have posted this under such an old bit of news. Anyway, all I want is to see if Sz could add the points earned per level to the export .csv file.
i added the 5th column in txt and csv
http://bike.toyspring .com/plsummary.php?p=4859& f=0
Awesome, Sz. Thanks! Now, to do something about the 20+ levels where I have less than five points...
Oh no! A fifth column!!!
Any way to find list of best times in each level
yes. when you are browsing the levelpack explorer, you can see the best times.
here is Winter Pack, as an example. look on the left hand side.

 Winter Pack
Thanx but I ment a list of all times in a level which I relized can be done by clicking on your name in HOF and then clicking on levelpack then level
©2008 Szymon Ulatowski @ TOYSPRING